Recognized far and wide as the global center of commerce, naturally New York City is connected on all sides by bridges to keep its citizens and businesses connected to the rest of the world. The Brooklyn, Williamsburg, and Verrazano are all picturesque, landmark bridges that handle millions of vehicles daily, granting people access to one of the greatest cities in the world.
Similarly, Gotham Color provides the bridge that keeps our own clients connected with their clients through Cross Media Marketing (CMM) and Variable Data Printing (VDP) solutions. Ordinarily, when a business is trying to reach a prospect or client, the daunting amount of mail traffic causes the message to get lost, with no GPS to give one a clear path to the prospect. Cross Media Marketing provides businesses with a roadmap to success by integrating captivating, personalized visuals with smart database management and targeted marketing research to create a direct mail piece that clears paths and opens doors.
The result: Gotham Color is helping our clients get connected to their prospects, and stay connected to their clients, at an almost unheard of 17% ROI from VDP mailings. Steer clear of cluttered mail traffic by letting Gotham Color bridge the gap between you and your audience.